This family has a lot of secrets. That doesn’t mean that Emily doesn’t have a lot to say about things….
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It wasn’t until after I had completely drawn, inked and colored these pages that I realized that the layout of the family house was a little strange. On page one you’ll see there’s a staircase just outside the dining room, while on page two, there’s a long hallway instead. On page one, Emily says she’s been upstairs in her room, but when she storms out on page two, she’s heading down the long hall to her bedroom, and the stairs are nowhere to be seen…
I’ve managed to convince myself that the first set of stairs is actually just out of sight around the corner in page two, and Emily is heading down the long hall toward a different, second set of stairs to get up to her bedroom. The family house has gone from a simple, modest dwelling to a pretty large, sprawling home. That would be OK, but then I find myself wondering why their dining room is so small…. I guess I’ve been watching too much HGTV, but haven’t learned much about home layout. Although I understand that “Open Concept” is a big deal.
Of course, dad is a Science/Tech Hero guy. Maybe he designed his house so that all the walls move as needed? Or maybe not….
And so the scene jumps from a cold antarctic mystery to a more mundane suburban location. The family will look familiar to regular readers, and this scene occurs around the time we last met them. The big difference here is that we get to meet the “other” child in the family.