A couple of readers questioned why there wasn’t a whole lot of blood spurting when Spandex Girl/Roid Rage had her hand chopped off. Well, the explanation is White Magic, combined with my unwillingness to make the comic into a blood-soaked gorefest. No thank you…. White Magic saves the day!
Okay, this sword makes cutting of a limb a lot less anti-heroic/morce acceptable.
It is still a pretty extreme way to end a superfight (where they could just subdue her without limb loss), but this is also a museum. I could see why she wanted to not make a big fight there.
Plus they might have the tech/magic to put the arm back on so this is not much worse then punching her out.
It just occured to me that after this story Chance can say:
“I used to be a Supervillain like you, but then I took a cloud of nanobots to the face.”
I guess “arrow to the knew” has become a proper meme.
Nice to see that Valkyria did use some restraint, and she can probably attache the arm using white magic, that will make the dismemberment action a legitimate heroic tactic. Poor Nanoman he will get his nano-parts kicked, the heroes will never allow a helpless villain, who have surrender coming to harm.