I’ve found that one of the fun things about writing this webcomic is that sometimes the story goes in directions that I hadn’t fully planned on, or characters will end up saying lines that weren’t in my original draft.  This was supposed to be a serious page to bring Chapter 7 to a dramatic end, and then in the last panel it made perfect sense for Chance to make that comment.    I hope it doesn’t ruin the suspense too much, but he HAD to say that line….

The next page will begin the 8th and final chapter of this story arc.  I’m  looking forward to it, and even though I know how it’s all supposed to come together,  I’m finding that my characters can surprise me too.  I hope you all stick around to find out how it turns out as well!

In case you’re wondering,  ‘Henchmen for Hire’ won’t end after the VIXX tale concludes. I’ve actually begun plotting out  upcoming story lines, and I’m even toying with an origin tale or two….